Level III - medium difficulty

Suitable for advanced middle school and younger high school students. Note values similar to intermediate level. May include more complex meters (12/8, 9/8, 3/8, 5/4) and the key signature is not beyond 4 sharps or flats. Range does not exceed concert pitch d’’. Length is generally not more than two pages.
level 3
ComposerComposer DatesNationalityTitlePublisherDateTiminglevel of difficultyavailability as of Dec. 2022 (E=easy, M=medium, D=difficult)
Albert, Adrienneb. 1937USANightfallKenter20036:00IIIE
Biol, Amparo Edob. 1988SPN/USALamentCanyamel20103:50IIIE
Borroff, Edith1925-2019USASonataRobert King195513:00III/IVE
Cecconi-Botella, Monicb. 1936FRAutomneCombre© 19622:00IIIM
Clews, Eileenb. 1935UKNine Pieces for Horn and PianoPaterson198812:00IIIE
Clews, Eileenb. 1935UKPartita for Horn and PianoPaterson (Novello)19847:00IIIE
Gipps, Ruth1921-99UKSonatina, op. 56June Emerson19608:00II/IIIE
Knight, Judyth UKA Candle on a Cake and A Candle in a ChurchStainer & Bell19865:30I/IIIE
Lastovicka, Chris USAThe Tender OnesAhari Press199110:30IIIE
Marshall, Pamelab. 1954USATriptoe SuiteSpindrift200612:00IIIE
Pietsch, Edna Frida1894-1982USACanzonettaUW-Mills19715:19IIIE
Popatenko, Tamarab. 1912RUSDreams 1959 IIID
Roe, Bettyb. 1930UKConversation PieceThames19992:30IIIE
Salminen, Susanb. 1957USAPiempi, op. 26Emerson19943:30IIID
Stux, Ericab. 1929USASerenadeCOMP1983 IIID
York, Barbara1949-2020CAN/USAArioso GloriaCimarron20125:13IIIE