ComposerComposer DatesNationalityTitlePublisherDate of Composition
Aarne, Elsb. 1917ESTMeditatsia 1970
Arntzen, Elysia USAButterflies in the StomachCOMP2011
Arauco, Ingridb. 1957USAOnyxCOMP1997
Biol, Amparo Edo  MarunaCanyamel2013
Biol, Amparo Edo  Sweet SongCanyamel2009
Brouwer, Margaretb. 1940USASCHerZOidCOMP1989
Busler, Lydia Loweryb. 1970USAAppalachiaWestleaf1992/2006
Busler, Lydia Loweryb. 1970USAFanfare and ProcessionalWestleaf2002
Busler, Lydia Loweryb. 1970USANight BirdWestleaf2012
Carrier, Alexisb. 1996USAThe Final Battle CryCOMP2015
Clearfield, Andreab. 1960USAHa-GalgalCOMP2019
Clement, Sheree USASoliloquyCOMP2012
Davies, Alison UKFour Studies for Solo HornBroadbent & Dunn1994
Devorah, Rachel USABreadline 2011
Dewhirst, Michelle McQuadeb. 1973USAThe Number for RainCOMP 
Dewhirst, Michelle McQuadeb. 1973USABurn and RaveCOMP 
Dewhirst, Michelle McQuadeb. 1973USAContact CallCOMP 
Dinescu, Violetab. 1953ROMEs nimmt mich wunder 1994
Dunker, Amy USAThree PiecesCOMP2001
Eränkö, Johanna  FiniteCOMP2001
Erding-Swiridoff, Susanneb. 1955GERLiederEigenverlag/Erding-Swiridoff1988
Flores, Kristen CANBy the LakeCMC2005
Fuller-Hall, Sarahb. 1959USAControversy 1978
Garrop, Stacyb. 1969USASanskaraInkjar Publishing1991
Gentile, Adab. 1947ITAb imisRicordi (133693) 
Gillie, Ginab. 1981USAThree Unaccompanied PiecesCOMP2005
Gomez, Aliceb. 1960USALa CalaveraPotenza Music2014
Gomez, Michelle DOMDarkness of the NightCOMP2000
Grabovsky, L. A.b. 1935UKRConcorsuono 1977
Gray, Cynthia USASoloCOMP1986
Heller, Barbarab. 1936GERDominoFurore1994
Henderson, Moyab. 1941AUSLG'Day USA 1, Not Instantaneous or MercifulAusM2003
Hindman, Dorothyb. 1966USAEchoCOMP1996
Hindman, Dorothyb. 1966USAEchoiCOMP2011
Janarcekova, Vierab. 1941CZYan 1995
Jimenez, Huayna DOMTaracatéCOMP 
Kaminsky, Laurab. 1956USABlastJust for Brass 
Kavasch, Deborahb. 1949USADragonslayerCOMP2002
Klein, Julianeb. 1966GERAus der Wand die Rinne 9Edition Juliane Klein2009
Kulenty, Hannab. 1961POLBrass No. 3Donemus2005
Lane, Lizb. 1964UKLinear LinesComposers Edition2009
LeSiege, Annette1947-2012USAShadow DancerSeesaw 
Lejet, Edithb. 1941FRSoliloqueAmphion (A 543) 
Likhuta, Catherineb. 1981AUSL/UKRI Threw a Shoe at a CatCOMP2017
Malmloff-Forssling, Carin1917-2005SWEDOrizzonteSMIC1981
Mansouri, Afarin CANBewilderedCMC2005
Marchesi, Mathilde1821-1913GER24 Vocalizations, Op. 3 for French HornHofmeister 
Marshall, Pamelab. 1954USAAlteredSpindrift2011
Marshall, Pamelab. 1954USAColored LeavesSpindrift1994
Marshall, Pamelab. 1954USAGreylock Mountain FanfareSpindrift2012
Marshall, Pamelab. 1954USAMiniaturesSubito1973
Marshall, Pamelab. 1954USASunrise on the HillsSpindrift2007
McKay, Frances Thompsonb. 1947USASonances soneri 1975
Mehocic, Beth USATrilogy for Solo Horn 1975
Mitchell, Darleneb. 1942USADichotic Sounds 2ACA1985
Mracek, Ann Michelleb. 1956USAPerturbations 1970
Olive, Vivienneb. 1950UKText VFurore (fue 163)1993
Pocs, Kaitland HUNGMiniatures for HornMICH1988
Raum, Elizabethb. 1945CANIdiomCMC1982
Raum, Erikab. 1972CANConfessions of St. Augustine (Howard Wall recording)Warwick2000
Reit, Alyssab. 1953USAMiniatures7 Stars Publishing2017
Roger, Denise1924-2005FRRecitRobert Martin (R 2307 M) 
Roger, Denise1924-2005FRTrois PicesEdFM1968
Saint-Marcoux, Micheline Coulombe1938-85CANComposition 1CMC1982
Schubring, Karalynb. 1999USADualityCOMP2016
Schultz, Kathy  Contemplative BellsCOMP1993
Sellers, Jacquelyn USAFanfare and Interlude  
Shepard, Jean Ellenb. 1949USAFour Pieces 1972
Shreve, Susan Ellanb. 1952USAThree Pieces 1974
Silver, Sheilab. 1946USADynamisMMB1978
Stebleton, Michelle USAHalle HabanaBrass Arts Unlimited2017
Tann, Hilaryb. 1947UK/USAKilvert's HillsRowanberry Music2006
VanderWoude, Mary  AtonalismFema1975
VanderWoude, Mary  French Horn Studies  
VanderWoude, Mary  Studies for the Professional Hornist  
Vercoe, Elizabethb. 1941USACorollariesCertosa Verlag2007
Vieira, Fatimab. 1974PORin.cantusAVA Musical Editions2010
Zobel, Emely1964-1996GERFlodigarryFurore (fue 309)1994